

Instructions for installing and setting up the Courier Center Voucher for WooCommerce plugin

5 minutes to read

To install the additional Courier Center Voucher for WooCommerce you will need to contact with Courier Center to obtain the required Web Services in order to function the plugin. Then, after you complete the purchase of the plugin from us, you should proceed with the following steps:

Installation and activation

  1. You log in to your website with administrator rights.
  2. From the control panel select “Plugins” and then “Add New Plugin”.
  3. At the top of the page select “Upload Plugin”.
  4. From the box that will appear, click on “Select file” and in the pop-up window, select the .zip file that was downloaded from our website, during your purchase.
  5. Click “Install Now” from the dialog box.
  6. After the file is successfully uploaded, you will be presented with the “Activate Plugin” option, which you select.

Plugin settings

Next, you will need to properly configure the plugin and perform test procedures, which are required to check for proper operation. For this reason, you must assign the test codes (Username, Password, API) sent to you by the Courier Center after your communication. More specifically:

  1. Where “Username”, “Password” and “API” are the details from the courier company’s email.
  2. In “Default print size“, fill in the size of the voucher you want from the available options.
  3. Then, in “Disable on Specific Payment Gateways” selected the payment methods” select, if you have, payment gateways for which vouchers will not be automatically issued.
  4. Similarly, in the “Disable on Specific Shipping Methods” you select shipping methods that will be excluded from the automatic version.
  5. The “Default Weight” field sets the default package weight value when not specified when ordering. While the next field, an indicative weight should be filled in for the weight/ product, as the courier center also prints the weight per product.
  6. The next option indicates the state of the environment in which you are operating and initially, you should select “Enable test mode“. At the end of the successful test mode you will be able to disable this option.
  7. In “Debug” you can enable the retention of the transaction log.
  8. The “Auto issue” option allows the voucher version to complete the order without the manual version, that is, the order automatically goes to the “Complete” mode.
  9. In the last two fields you fill in your e-mail and the API you received by purchasing the plugin, in order to ensure its correct operation and automatically receive updates of new versions.
  10. Click save changes to complete the test settings.
  11. Export orders” enables, through the WooCommerce Order Tracking plugin, to export to a CSV file a list of the vouchers of the orders you want.

Test voucher

Courier Center requires testing the functions of issuing new voucher, printing and deleting it. To carry out the test, the following is sufficient:

  1. From the control panel select WooCommerce and then “Orders”.
  2. You select a pending/processing order and click on its ID to open it.
  3. After the order details have loaded, from the options on the right of the window, click “Create voucher”. Once the creation is completed successfully, the voucher number will appear at the top of the right column. Then the buttons for printing or canceling the specific voucher will become available.
  4. Click the “Print” button to display the test voucher in a PDF file and save it.
  5. To complete the test scenario, click the “Cancel” button.
  6. After completing the above steps, you inform the courier company of the successful completion of the test scenario. In the communication e-mail you will attach the PDF file with the test voucher. Wait for them to send you the production codes, which you fill in in the same way as described above.

Instructions of the Courier Center Voucher for WooCommerce plugin

Useful information
  • After the successful installation of the plugin, when opening an order, the column with the voucher options appears on the right side of the screen. The first part of this column shows the voucher number, voucher status and shipping status, if a new one has been issued. The voucher status is either open or closed and indicates if the voucher created is active, while the shipping status indicates at which stage of the shipment the parcel is located and is informed by the courier company automatically.
  • Then, in the next box there are the fields “Parcels”, “Weight”, “Cash on Delivery price” and “Comments”, which attribute the properties that accompany the voucher. Specifically, in the first field of this box, the total number of parcels that accompany the specific order is entered and has as default the number one. In the second field, the weight of the order is entered in case it cannot be calculated automatically. If left blank, the weight will be set as the default value selected from the plugin settings.
  • In case the customer has chosen cash on delivery as a method of payment, below the weight field, an additional field appears, “Cash on delivery”, in which you can modify the amount. In the event that they has chosen another payment method, then no service will be chosen and the parcel will be considered paid. In comments you can fill in any accompanying comments.
  • It should be noted that through the Web Services the vouchers are directly printed by the respective courier company. Therefore, you cannot make changes to the information displayed on the voucher. Also, you cannot use already pre-filled sheets to print the voucher’s details.
  • For any problem that may arise, there is at the end of the column the cancellation of the voucher that has been created. However, before proceeding with this action, it is mandatory to contact with Courier Center.
Manual voucher creation

In the last field, any accompanying order comments are entered. To issue a new voucher, after filling in the necessary information, click on the “Create voucher” button and the details will automatically appear in the first box of the column.

Then, upon successful completion of the new voucher creation, the following options are activated, printing and canceling the voucher.

At the end of the column there is the cancellation of the voucher that has been created. However, before proceeding with this action, it is mandatory to contact with Courier Center.

Create/ print bulk vouchers

In addition, it is possible to issue vouchers in bulk by following the steps below. From the settings of the plugin, you activate the option “Auto issue”, if you have not already activated it. Then, from the “Orders” option of WooCommerce, select as many orders as you want and then, from the bulk editing options at the top left of the list, select “Change status to completed”. In this way, the selected orders are converted into complete ones and the vouchers are issued automatically, after the corresponding option of the plugin is activated.

If you wish to bulk print or cancel a voucher, you will go to Jobs where you will find bulk actions and the Print or Cancel Jobs option (Courier Center).

Order tracking

To add shipping tracking to your online store, you can create a new page and paste the shortcode [webexpert_courier_center_track_form].

Track & Trace

You can see the comments on the shipping status of each order by clicking on the question mark.

To see the progress of the order, you can click on the voucher number.

For more information please look up to FAQ tab on our plugin’s page.

For any problem or question that arises, do not hesitate to contact us at